We could not translate your text to a station. Please check your input. We automatically suggest possible stations! :)

The departure and destination station are the same. We can't calculate a route where there is none :)


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Something seems to have gone wrong. We could not find any routes.

This sometimes happens when data is unavailable (e.g. date far in the future). Please try again. If this problem persists, mail us.

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We could not find any routes.

We couldn't find any trains. On holidays, it is possible that there are no trains in smaller stations. mail us.

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{{ (conn.departure.time)*1000 | date:'HH:mm' }} {{ conn.departure.station}} +{{ (conn.departure.delay)/60 }}′ canceled {{ conn.departure.platform }}
{{conn.departure.direction.name}} – {{conn.departure.vehicle.replace("BE.NMBS.","")}} {{conn.departure.occupancy.name || 'occupancy unknown'}}
{{(stop.arrival.time)*1000 | date:'HH:mm'}} {{ stop.station }} {{ stop.arrival.platform }}
{{(stop.timeBetween/60)}} minutes before departure
from platform {{ stop.arrival.platform }} to platform {{ stop.departure.platform }}
{{ (stop.departure.time)*1000 | date:'HH:mm' }} {{ stop.station}} +{{ (stop.departure.delay)/60 }}′ canceled {{ stop.departure.platform }}
{{stop.departure.direction.name}} – {{stop.departure.vehicle.replace("BE.NMBS.","")}} {{stop.departure.occupancy.name || 'occupancy unknown'}}
{{ (conn.arrival.time)*1000 | date:'HH:mm' }} {{ conn.arrival.station}} {{ conn.arrival.platform }}

This route was planned on iRail.be. Thank you very much for using our webapp.